Friday, September 23, 2005

MSU Consistency in Football AND Basketball

Can anyone name another team that is as consistently at the top in NCAA Football AND basketball?

When was the last time Duke's football team beat ND? Do they even HAVE a football team? Does North Carolina put the fear of God into opponents offensive backfield? I think not.

When you're watching the games this season, remember, state went to the Final Four in BBall less that 6 months ago.

Here we go again!

How many people saw that ND game last weekend? Thanks to NBC for giving State worldwide exposure. Stanton looked like the Heisman candidate he is and the Defense (except for the secondary) looked kick a$$. Gotta give Quinn some props, but after all the ND hyperbole leading up to the game, they got exactly what they deserved. Undefeated and happy.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

This is so damn sweet.

Everybody happy today? We just did what i thought we could do - put the smack-down on Duke. I sent the following in an email to all the starters on MSU the night before the Duke game :

Hey guys -

Ever wonder who The Spartans of Greece really were? I read the historical novel "The Gates of Fire" recently which tells of their most famous battle where 300 select Spartan Warriors took on an attacking Persian army of over 2 million in 480 AD.

Some quotes:

"Wherever the fighting is bloodiest, you may expect to discover The Spartans in the forefront. Remember, in warfare practice of arms counts for little. Courage tells all."

"Brothers, I'm not a king or a general. I've never held rank beyond that of a platoon commander. So I say to you now only what I would say to my own men, knowing the fear that stands unspoken in each heart - not of death, but worse, of faltering or failing, of somehow proving unworthy in this, the ultimate hour. Here is what you do, friends. Forget country. Forget king.
Forget wife and children and freedom. Forget every concept, however noble, that you imagine you fight for here today. Act for this alone: for the man who stands at your shoulder. He is everything, and everything is contained within him."

"What will they learn of us? Their shovels will unearth neither brilliant palaces nor temples; their picks will prise forth no everlasting architecture or art. What will remain of the Spartans? Not monuments of marble or bronze, but this, what we do here today."


Saturday, March 19, 2005

1 Down

Hey hey, thank you Vermont. I've always loved Phish, but didn't know they could shoot. This sets up a showdown between the laddies in Green that should be a fun one. I hope we play the way we can and take no prisoners in our quest for Duke. Did anybody else pick MSU to win their Tourney Pick 'em?

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Rankings & Respect

Let's talk about rankings. Anybody remember where Dickie V had State ranked pre-season? #5.

Now Illinois is obvioiusly #1, but be sure to watch the Iowa game they have upcoming. I'm telling you right now, MSU is salivating at the idea of sticking it to the Illini in Chicago at the BigTen Tourney. Let's just hope the stars align and we at least get a shot at them.

Some interesting facts about this week so far :

1) MSU is ranked #10 & #11 in the polls. They won both games this week, by 19 over Minnesota and by 11 over Purdue

2) #2 Kansas LOST 2 games, to unranked Texas Tech (Thanks Bobby!) and unranked Iowa State

3) #3 Kentuky LOST to unranked S. Carolina

4) #5 Wake Forest lost to Duke

5) #7 Duke LOST 2 games, to #22 Maryland and unranked Virginia Tech

6) #9 Syracuse LOST 2 games, to #17 Pitt and #6 Boston College

Anyone want to speculate where we'll be ranked next Monday?

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Let's talk Illinois...

This next game between unanimously #1 ranked Illinois and the boys in Green will be monumental. The orange-men from Champaign will bring the house. I've seen them play twice so far this year, and I haven't been really impressed either time. No reason to be cocky or overconfident, but I love what The Spartans can do, when everyone's on the same page and the pedal's on the floor.

We need to come out firing, with great confidence and strength, like a team that knows it can win, with no hesitation. This is yet another chance for State to proove their salt in front of a national, Tuesday audience.

Memories of greatness in history are simply the echoes of a person or group that seizes opportuinity when the potential is within grasp. This game will either be forgotten on Wednesday or remembered forever.


Dominating Michigan

How many dunks was that? Six, Seven? I had so much fun watching that game. Thta was really one to remember - one that we always dream of. Granted, the Spartans didn't look 100% gelled, but I'll take 97%, and some of the coolest. most exciting plays ever with joy. Look at the Sports section of soon to see the UM blowout!!!