Sunday, January 30, 2005

Let's talk Illinois...

This next game between unanimously #1 ranked Illinois and the boys in Green will be monumental. The orange-men from Champaign will bring the house. I've seen them play twice so far this year, and I haven't been really impressed either time. No reason to be cocky or overconfident, but I love what The Spartans can do, when everyone's on the same page and the pedal's on the floor.

We need to come out firing, with great confidence and strength, like a team that knows it can win, with no hesitation. This is yet another chance for State to proove their salt in front of a national, Tuesday audience.

Memories of greatness in history are simply the echoes of a person or group that seizes opportuinity when the potential is within grasp. This game will either be forgotten on Wednesday or remembered forever.



Jack said...

Sparty... hah! Go drunken birds, go!

Anonymous said...

Forget Illinois.

I'm trying to figureout why ESPN gives us no respect. The continually talk about MSU 'maybe' getting a #4 seed in the brackets. What crap is that. We win out and I predict we're a #2.

PMY said...

Remember last year when Izzo set up that death schedule and everyone was talking State early on only to be dogged by everyone after losing a couple early? Believe me, Izzo is soooo happy that everyone is focusing on ILL right now. He's getting invaluable playing time for his huge stable and he's flying under the radar. I'll be there will be an op-ed piece in the next few days about just this subject.